"Exercise helps with who I am and I need that release, otherwise I feel like ‘arrrrgh!"
"The thing about running that nobody tells you is that training for a race as long as a half-marathon can be quite boring. I logged the miles because I was "supposed to," and looked forward to race day because it meant I wouldn't have to run anymore. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy running, because it helps me clear my head and gives me a little high. But my approach to running is kind of like that famous quote, "I hate writing, I love having written." In other words, I hate actually slogging through a run, but I love how it feels to finish a run." "After college, however, I decided to hang up my tutu and pointe shoes, so nowadays I like to run for exercise, because it's cheap and makes me feel good afterwards. During the actual run, it's always a challenge to find songs and podcasts to listen to that will either distract me from the fact that running is boring, or motivate me to run harder. But, last winter, I put on The Nutcracker just for kicks, and it was exactly what I needed. "I wanted to get my body and my heart in shape, but I joined [Green Ridge Recreation Center in Roanoke County] partly for the mental part. I meet people who become my friends and it is social for me. We have lunch and sometimes travel together. I try to meet two or three people a day.” "If I'm gonna tell the truth, it’s [exercise is] about looking good. I mean, I'm trying to keep my black from cracking and, you know, Father Time -- he got a funny sense of humor, but we fighting."
October 2021