"Running has changed my life in so many ways I can hardly list them all. I have more energy. I have made dozens of new friends, run races with my wife and my five oldest children as well as my brother, started a local running group, inspired others to run and lose weight, gotten a job connected to running and a number of writing opportunities."
"Conducting can be very physically, mentally, even spiritually demanding. Because I conduct many hours each week, I developed a technique to convey intensity without overtaxing my body. One must be mindful of efficient movement, especially when conducting very long works such as opera, or during weeks with multiple engagements, so as not to foster fatigue. When I began conducting, this did not come naturally to me; experience has taught me — just like an athlete — to make efficient and meaningful use of every movement." "Exercise makes me love my body and consistently proud of what it can do. It keeps me sane and able to keep up with my students!" "Usually I go for walks and start telling myself the story. I'm imagining and ordering the story, both at once. As I tell it, I get more and more familiar with it. Then, when I sit down to write, it's almost like taking dictation." Getting to ride with new AFLCA fitness leaders, Lisa talks about how she loves to move and teach at the same time. Getting to "pay it forward" is a great reason WHY to move!
“When I was growing up as a kid, I never had opportunities to be around celebrities…with my career playing with the Harlem Globetrotters. I am able to give back all across the country. I truly love it. Whenever you can take a kid and put a smile on their face and allow them to enjoy what they are doing out there. It is very important.” |
October 2021